Fangzhou Xia Menu Close Home Bio Research Publication Teaching Outreach Videos Home Bio Research Publication Teaching Outreach Videos Dr. Fangzhou XiaMassachusetts Institute of Technology Research Scientist in Mechanical Engineering (Mechatronics Research Lab) and Phyiscs Department (Ju Lab & Jarillo-herrero Lab) 2023.9-nowMITResearch ScientistJointly appointed at the Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyMechatronics Research Lab in Mechanical Engineering deaprtment, Ju Lab & Jarillo-Herrero Lab in Physics department 2020.9-2023.8MITPostdoc ResearcherPrimary appointment at MIT Mechatronics Research Lab (MechE) and joint appointment at Ju Lab (Physics, 21.9-23.8).2017.7-2020.8MITPh.D. DegreeMechanical Engineering with concentation in Control, Robotics & Instrumentation. Minor in Computer ScienceThesis title: Design and Control of Versatile High-Speed andLarge-Range Atomic Force Microscopes2015.9-2017.6MITM.S. DegreeMajor: Mechanical EngineeringThesis Title: Design and Control Optimization for High-SpeedJumping Mode Atomic Force Microscope2011.9-2015.8UM + SJTUB.S. DegreeDual degree program from two universitiesUniversity of Michigan (UM), Ann ArborMajor: Mechanical Engineering, Minor: Electrical EngineeringShanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU)Major: Electrical and Computer Engineering Dr. Fangzhou Xia Research Scientist Mechanical Engineering Department Physics Department Massachusetts Institute of Technology