I am entusiastic about project-based education and digital digital learning technology.
Teaching Interest
1. Advanced interdiscipline courses: robotics, mechatronics, medical devices, instrumentation.
2. General courses: dynamics, control, design, manufacturing, circuit, signal processing.
Educational Tools
1. Low-cost educational AFM
2. AFM SMILER toolkit and interactive AFM book
University Programs
1. Co-PI of MIT Alumni Class Fund ($50k) for visualizing vibrations and waves at nanoscales
2. Poject-based learning for design thinking at Southern University of Science and Technology
3. UM-SJTU Joint Institute Computer Science and Robotic winter program at MIT
Educational Studies
2023 ASEE Paper: Project-based learning course co-designed with regional enterprises
Teaching and Mentoring Experience
Teaching Assistant
- MIT 2.12 Introduciton to Robotics
- UM MENG 360 Modeling, Analysis and Control of Dynamic Systems
- UM-SJTU JI VG 100 Introduciton to Engineering
Workshop Leader
- MIT Precision Instrumentation Workshop
- MIT 2.131 Instrumentation LabVIEW class
- UM National Instruments Campus Ambassador
- 10+ gaduate students at MIT
- 30+ undergraduate students at MIT
- Mentor at UM Engineering Learning Center
Dr. Fangzhou Xia
Research Scientist
Mechanical Engineering Department
Physics Department
Massachusetts Institute of Technology